DLR Dynamic Long Range Principles, Rules and Standards
The DLR discipline includes three different types of shooting and are valid for centerfire and rimfire:
DLR Sport
DLR Hunter
DLR tactical
All the three disciplines have in common the safety of operations.
SECTION 1, DLR SAFETY, Violations and Penalties
All firearms shall remain unloaded until the competitor is in the shooting area and is ready to engage the first target (this is a safety measure in order to reduce the threat of an AD or ND)
1.1 General Rifle Safety
Always point your rifle in a safe direction. Never point a rifle at anything you don’t intend to kill or destroy.
Always keep your rifle unloaded until ready to use. Treat all rifles as though they are loaded even if you believe otherwise.
Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until you are ready to fire.
Know your target and what is beyond.
Always wear proper eye and ear protection and ensure others have the same before firing.
Never use alcohol or drugs while shooting.
Individual Range safety rules always supersede DLR rules.
1.1.2 Rifle Safety during DLR Match
DLR competitions are always cold ranges. All rifles are to be unloaded, with magazines out and bolts to the rearward position. Chamber flags are always to be utilized so that anyone can identify an unloaded rifle. The rifle may only be loaded, and chamber flag removed at the discretion of the Range Officer. Once the stage is complete, the magazine shall be removed, bolt in the rearward position and chamber flag inserted before the rifle is removed from the firing line.
Only ground rifles in a proper rifle rack, or wherever the Range Officer designates as a safe location and direction.
When moving to another shooting location, always ensure the rifle is pointed in a safe direction and the chamber is empty.
1.1.3 Rifle Safety During Your Stage/COF
Always wait RO instructions or until you are at the first shoot position before you remove your chamber flag and insert magazine.
Stages always begin with an empty rifle and bolt to the rear unless specifically directed by the match booklet and the Range Officer.
Any movement or transition must be done with the bolt to the rear and an empty chamber. The only exception to this rule will be with the use of semi-automatic rifles but only at the approval of the Match Director. If the MD allows this, the shooter must engage the safety, and yell safe loud enough for the RO to hear with ear protection.
The 120 degree rule must be adhered to at all times. No shooter will point their muzzle any more than 60 degrees off of the direction of fire in either direction.
1.1.4 Violations of the cold range rule: Any shooter who has violated the cold range rule shall be issued a warning. A second violation will result in a stage zero. Next violation will result in a match DQ and removal from competition. This includes a live round in the chamber, magazine inserted, a closed bolt, or chamber flag not being used. The only violation that will be issued to having a live round in the chamber while not shooting shall be a match DQ.
1.1.5 Muzzling and/or violating the 120 rule: Muzzling is pointing or sweeping another person’s body with the muzzle of a rifle while the rifle is in possession of a person. There will be no warnings of this unsafe act. If any shooter muzzles any other person, that action shall result in match DQ and removal from competition. It will be the duty of the RO to inform the MD of the infraction, and the MDs call to issue the match DQ. Flagging can only occur when the rifle is in hand. Walking in front of a rifle muzzle that is on the ground in the holding area does not constitute a safety violation. All efforts should be made to avoid flagging yourself even if the weapon is deemed “safe”
1.1.6 Unsafe transitioning: Transitioning, or movement without having the bolt to the rear will result in the Range Officer having the shooter correct the situation, then move back to the previous firing position before resuming the course of fire. A second violation will result in a zero for the stage. A third will result in the shooter getting a match DQ and removal from competition. If the match allows for Semi-Automatic rifles to move with a closed bolt with the safety engaged, the same rule applies if the shooter does not either engage the safety and/or yell safe.
1.1.7 Negligent Discharge (ND). A Negligent Discharge is defined as any round unintentionally discharged from a firearm during a transition, movement, and/or weapons manipulation; or a round intentionally discharged during a ceasefire period. The competitor shall receive a match DQ and removal from competition.
1.1.8 Accident discharge, If it can be established that the cause of the discharge is due to a broken or defective part of the firearm, the competitor has not committed any safety infraction in this Section, and a disqualification may not be invoked(at MDs discretion), but the competitor's scores for that stage will be zero. The firearm must be immediately presented for inspection to the Match Director or his delegate, who will inspect the firearm and carry out any tests necessary to establish that a broken or defective part caused the discharge. A competitor may not later appeal a disqualification for an accidental discharge due to a broken or defective part if they fail to present the firearm for inspection prior to leaving the course of fire.
2.1 DLR Sport match format
2.1.1 A DLR match format will consist of a minimum of 8 stages to a maximum of 20.
2.1.2 Single day match must have a minimum of 8 stages with a minimum of 60 round count.
2.1.3 Two days match must have a minimum of 12 stages with a minimum of 120 round count.
2.1.4 In a DLR Sport matches the Match Director must design stages taking in account practical situations.
For rimfire matches follow the indications of the target calibration chart.
2.1.5 A DLR Hunter match will consist of a minimum of 8 stages to a maximum of 12 stages.
2.1.6 DLR Hunter stages will consist of 4 target engagements. An engagement is defined as one target or position depending on the layout of the stage. Stage layout options are: 1 position with 4 targets, 2 positions with 2 targets, or 4 positions with 1 target. Maximum round count per stage is 8 rounds.
It is a goal of the match directors to replicate hunting scenarios which may be encountered in the region which their match is held or test the shooter’s skill set in a field scenario.
2.1.7 A DLR Tactical match will consist of a one day or more days scenario with a minimum of 8 stages to a maximum of 16 stages
2.1.8 There are no limit about minimum or maximum rounds counts, every stage will be design taking in account a tactical situation.
Shooters can act individually or in the most time of the stages as a team.
Match director will designe stages considering land navigation, observation, team working, and shooting ability in a tactical environment.
3.1 Division and Categories
3.1.1 No restrictions are imposed only an OPEN division to allow anyone to try this type of discipline with own equipment, in the DLR matches the shooter has the opportunity to choice rifles, calibers, optics and accessories.
3.1.2 In the DLR matches caliber must not exceed .338 LM
3.1.3 A shooter can change rifle and caliber but not in the same competition, in case of any malfunction shooter can change rifle but the new one must have the same characteristics.
Categories valid only for DLR Sport
3.1.4 Military/Law Enforcement Category
3.1.5 Any shooter who is a full time Active-Duty Service Member is eligible to shoot in the Mil/LE category.
3.1.6 Ladies Category
3.1.7 All female shooters are eligible to shoot in the Ladies Category.
3.1.8 Seniors Category
3.1.9 Anyone turning 55 years or older at any point in the current season is eligible to shoot in the Seniors Category
4.1 Classifications valid only for DLR Sport and DLR Hunter
4.1.1 In order for shooters to be able to compete with their peers, DLR competitors are divided into classifications based upon their skill level and performance. The reason for the classification system is to have the ability to rank competitors and allow shooters to have true peer-to-peer recognition. This allows for goal setting and realistic achievement of attainable goals within the sport.
4.1.2 The classification system is a yearly performance-based system in which shooters are classed for the current season based on their year prior season series score (not including their finale score). At the end of each season, shooters classes will be recalculated according to the classification bracket percentages based on their end of season pre-finale series score. The shooter’s end of season total must be comprised of two sanctioned match scores to be included in the class calculations. The shooter will retain this classification for the entire next season and compete within this classification at the Finale
4.1.3 DLR competitors can achieve a classification of either A,B,C, D Each class consists of a percentage using DLR points.
4.1.4 The DLR points system is based on a performance system where the first place shooter receives 100 points and all other shooter’s scores are determined by dividing their score by the winner’s score and multiplying that number by 100.
4.1.5 DLR points for the field are figured using the following formula: Shooters score / winners score x 100, rounded to 3 decimal places.
You received 89 match points.
The winner received 105 match points.
Therefore; (89 / 105) * 100 = 84.7619 rounded to 84.762 PRS points
4.6 Total DLR points for the season will be the sum of the shooter’s three best match scores.
A 100% to 85% B 84% to 64% C 63% to 43%
D 42% or less
5.1 Shooter’s Responsibilities
5.1.1Shooters should always treat Match Directors and Range Officers with respect. From time to time, disagreements arise between shooters and match officials. This is fine, so long as mutual respect and calm communication occurs. The Match Directors ruling is always final.
5.1.2 Shooters in the DLR discipline are regarded as the most professional and highly educated in any discipline. All participants in DLR matches are looked upon as Safety Officers. Any participant that witnesses an unsafe act is to call for a cease fire and stop the unsafe act. The participant should then inform the closest Range Officer of the act.
5.1.3 It is the shooters responsibility to know the DLR Rules and Regulations prior to a competition.
5.1.4 Shooters should actively participate in any stage briefing to move the shoot along smoothly
5.1.5 Shooters shall understand that at the beginning of the stage, when asked by the Range Officer “Shooter do you understand the course of fire?” If they give an affirmative answer, that will be their last opportunity to get clarification. Because of this, arguments that they did not understand anything about the stage, or its targets are invalid.
5.1.6 Targets will be engaged as described on the match book.
5.1.7 Accidental Discharge/Mechanical Failure (AD). An Accidental Discharge is defined as any round unintentionally discharged from a firearm due to a mechanical failure. The participant will be removed from the event until he or she can repair the rifle to safe working order. The shooter will receive a zero for that stage, and all follow up stages will be forfeited during this down time.
5.1.8 False Starts: Firing before the start signal will result in a zero for the stage.
5.1.9 If a Match Director judges a shooter to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during competition, the shooter will receive a match DQ and be removed from competition. The shooter will not be allowed to drive from the competition while still intoxicated.
Match conduct 6.1
The following chapter describes the conduct of DLR Matches. Some items are rules, which must be followed to ensure match standards are met and others are guidelines, which should be followed but may not be possible due to extenuating circumstances.
6.1.1 Match Director’s Responsibilities
6.1.2 The MD is overall in charge of the DLR event and must have a full understanding of the official DLR Rules.
6.1.3 MD’s must provide a Match Book which accurately describes each COF. This includes clearly stating any additional procedural or safety rules for a stage that are outside the broader DLR rules.
6.1.4 For DLR Hunter and DLR tactical most of the COF will be surprise or with partial information.
6.1.5 MD’s must also clearly state any penalties associated with violating the additional procedural or safety rules for a stage to ensure that penalties are clearly understood and applied uniformly should an infraction occur during a match.
6.1.6 For DLR Sport MD’s must use the approved scoring system of one ‘Impact’ for one point.
In some COF some time/sequence bonus may be present, every second saved equal .1 of a point.
6.1.7 For DLR Hunter MD’s must use on the single target the approved scoring system of first impact two point,
Once the target is hit, the target is neutralized.
For example: A competitor hits the first target with their 1st shot, they will get 2 points, and move on to the next target or position. The competitor misses the 1st shot but connects with the 2nd attempt, they get 1 point and will move on to the next target. If the competitor misses both the 1st and 2nd shot, they will move to the next target with no points.
6.1.8 For DLR Tactical MD’s must use the approved scoring system of first impact 3 point, second impact 2 points, third impact 1 point.
Once the target is hit, the target is neutralized
For example: A competitor hits the first target with their 1st shot, they will get 3 points, and move on to the next target or position, the competitor misses the 1st shot but connects with the 2nd attempt, they get 2 point, the competitor misses the second shot but connects with the 3rd attempt, they get 1 point and will move on to the next target. If the competitor misses all 3 shots, they will move to the next target with no points.
6.1.9 MD must use a balanced scoring system for all COF, regardless of whether they are.
6.1.10 MD’s will ensure targets are in good working order. Any target past 600 meters must be reactive and should have two spotters observing the target if possible.
Additionally, any target past 800 meters must have a supplemental hit indicator such as a flash or a camera system.
MD’s are encouraged to use supplemental hit indicators on targets past 800 meters, but it is not required.
6.1.11 MD’s will use a primary and secondary method of scoring. Shooters must have an opportunity to see the score they received on all stages prior to departing the stage.
6.1.12 MD’s must be DLR members.
6.1.13 MD’s will provide stage and a match 15 minute arbitration period(s) once scores have been provided/posted to settle any scoring disputes. If an issue arises after the squad leaves the stage or 15 minutes after the match, it will not been entertained.
6.1.14 The MD is the ultimate authority of Match Rules, Safety, and Enforcement.
Any and all violations, penalties and enforcement should be dealt with thoroughly and in an expeditious manner.
MDs may use statements from RO’s, shooters, and spectators. Once the stage/match arbitration period has ended, all procedural and safety rulings, calling of impacts, etc. made by the MD are final. These final rulings are not intended to include instances where retroactive corrective action must be taken to uphold the broader DLR rules such as allegations of cheating, improper enforcement of or failure to follow DLR rules, or other incidences that may require further
investigative actions or score revisions in order to publish accurate results and maintain the integrity of the match/sport.
6.1.15 MD’s are completely responsible for RO conduct, recruitment and management.
6.1.16 All MDs are required to submit correct and completed scores through the DLR website no later than 12 hours after match conclusion.
6.1.17 MDs are authorized to compete in their own (1 day) matches with approval of the director and are expected to adhere to section 7 of this rule book as practically as possible and within the consensus of their shooters.
6.1.18 MD’s must require the use of a shot timer by the RO at every stage to ensure that shots counted for points are within the time limit as stated in rule.
6.1.19 MD’s are required to have on site a copy of the DLR rules during matches and the MD will reference the rules every time a decision is made by the match director. As a decision is being administered, the rule being applied must be presented to the shooter by paragraph number.
6.1.20 Competitors are encouraged to assist the Lead RO under this option and additional validation of spotting is permissible by members of the squad. Anyone found cheating for another shooter by the RO/MD will receive an immediate one-year suspension from the DLR series.
After signatures are completed and the RO’s score is entered, no edits may be made to the score without MD approval.
6.1.21 Lead Range Officer’s Responsibilities
6.1.22 Lead RO’s are responsible for all aspects of the COF they are running. They must have a complete understanding of exactly how the stage is to be executed. Any questions regarding the rules of the stage must be addressed with the MD prior to the start of the first shooter.
6.1.23 Lead RO’s must have a full understanding of the official DLR Rules.
6.1.24 Lead RO’s must ensure the rules are the exact same for each shooter.
6.1.25 Lead ROs will provide a Stage Brief prior to the start of each squad and all questions must be asked and answered prior to the start of the first shooter from each squad. Lead RO’s will point out each target to the shooters except on “blind” stages in which case no shooter will be told the location of any target.
6.1.26 Lead RO’s will provide the squad with time to conduct a walk-through of the stage which is not to exceed one minute unless the stage is to be a “blind” stage. It is up to the RO/MD as to whether inspecting a firing position is permitted during the walk through.
6.1.27 RO’s will use the following verbiage to start each shooter:
RO - “Shooter do you understand the course of fire?” Shooter must verbally reply with “Yes or No”
If there are no questions then;
RO - “Load and make ready.”
RO - “Shooter ready?”
Shooter must verbally signal “Yes”
RO - “Standby”
Within the next 1-3 seconds the RO will start the shooter with the beep of a reliable shot-timer or a verbal “Engage”.
6.1.27 If at any point during the COF if the RO/Safety Officer observes an unsafe act, he or she must call a cease-fire.
6.1.28 The lead RO must apply the penalty for a procedural fault as it is written by the MD in the match book for every shooter.
6.1.29 Only Lead RO’s or designated Spotting ROs will call impacts during a COF and only required to call “Impact.”
“Impact” is the only word that shall be used to let the shooter know the target he/she was engaging was struck with a bullet and will be scored as a hit. The word “hit” can be confused with “miss” and often times creates confusion, so it shall not be used by the spotting RO.
6.1.30 RO’s are not permitted to signify in any way to a shooter where their rounds are impacting during the COF. MDs may establish exceptions for safety reasons – wrong targets, lack of back stops etc. Only ROs, not fellow shooters may make the approved corrections for safety reasons. Any shooter providing assistance will receive a stage DQ. Assisting shooters after they have finished shooting is encouraged and permissible.
6.1.31 For all timed courses of fire, the RO will make every effort to ensure the shot timer registers the shooter’s final shot.
Shooters will be automatically granted a buffer time of .3 seconds, meaning that if a shot was fired in 90.30 of 90 second stage and was an impact, the shooter will receive points for that impact.
6.1.32 RO’s must show and brief each shooter their score for the stage prior to the squad departing the stage. When using Practiscore (or any other approved electronic scoring system), the shooters can be verbally briefed and/or hit the “approve” button after each shooter completes a stage. But this doesn’t fulfil the ROs responsibility to review the scores after the squad is complete. After the shooter leaves the stage, it cannot be arbitrated.
6.1.33 Any issues that may arise must immediately be brought to the attention of the MD.
6.1.34 Shooter’s Responsibilities
The shooter is solely responsible for ensuring that he/she fully understands the DLR and match rules as well as the COF prior to starting the stage.
6.1.35 Shooters are completely responsible for the equipment they are shooting to include their firearms and ammo. A firearm deemed to be unsafe can be grounds for removal from the match.
6.1.36 Shooters are solely responsible for their score. This applies to asking the RO for a reshoot if the shooter believes one is warranted as well as ensuring the proper score was recorded for the stage. If the shooter does not review/accept their score or remain at the stage for the RO to review the squad’s scores brief, they will not be permitted to petition the MD for a score change during the post-match arbitration period.
6.1.35 Reshoots
6.1.36 Reshoots shall only be permitted in the event of an interruption of the stage that was outside the control of the shooter. This may include broken targets, called cease fires for any reason not caused by the shooter, a broken prop or shooting support, or any other deemed reasonable by the Match Director. Reshoots will not be permitted for equipment malfunctions. ANor shall they be permitted for shooters who claim to have not understood the stage rules after the stage begins (stage begins when time has been started), nor permitted due to variations or irregularities in RO commands. Shooters who are granted a reshoot must reshoot the stage in the same manner with the exact same equipment.
6.1.37 With MD approval, the RO can give a shooter the option for a reshoot without having been asked by the shooter if the RO observes an incident which hindered the shooter.
6.1.38 The shooter can request a reshoot if he/she believes one is warranted. The shooter will have a period of two minutes to explain his grievance to an RO. The RO will then contact the match director to determine if a reshoot will be granted.
6.1.39 There are two types of reshoots in DLR Competitions.
6.1.40 A Full Reshoot means the shooter will run the entire COF over from start to finish.
6.1.41 A Partial Reshoot means the shooter is placed in the exact same position they were in at the time of the stoppage and will have the exact amount of time placed back on the clock which was remaining at the time of the stoppage. If either the position or the time remaining cannot be determined, the shooter must take a full reshoot.
6.1.42 Once a shooter reshoots a stage, they MUST take the reshoot score.
6.1.42 bis If a RO interrupts a COF in an unmotivated manner, any repetition will take into account the conditions of best favor for the shooter.
Example COF interrupted due to suspected shot in the barrel, shooter had made 4 impacts, shooter can decide whether to repeat the entire stage or start from the point of interruption, in any case the 4 impacts will be kept valid.
6.1.43 Tie Breakers
6.1.44 Every DLR Sport Two Day Major Competition will have at least one DLR Skills Stage that will be run the same way at all matches. The best scores/times of the stage(s) will determine which of the tied shooters receives the higher placing. If tied shooters receive the same combined score, the combined time to the nearest 100th of a second will be used to determine which shooter receives the higher score. If two shooters in the top 10 are still tied, the stage will be reshot until the tie is broken. Tied shooters outside the top 10 will be scored as tied and all shooters tied for that position will receive the same match placement.
6.1.45 DLR Skills Stage detailed descriptions are located in the Appendix
6.1.46 DLR Skills Stages are not required for DLR One Day matches, however, they are required DLR Championship Finales.
6.1.47 If match directors cannot in good faith execute a DLR Skill stage to standard as outlined in the Appendix, they will brief the director no later than one week prior to the match date a modified skill stage/tie breaker to take its place.
7.1 Code of Conduct and Sportsmanship
7.1.1 Unsportsmanlike conduct by any participant of a DLR event will not be tolerated.
7.1.2 Unsportsmanlike conduct includes but is not limited to: arguing with other competitors or match officials, throwing of equipment or any other temper tantrum-like behavior, heckling other shooters while they are shooting, use of vulgar/offensive language, habitual whining, and any other action that may be outside the norm of what is considered to be professional behavior.
7.1.3 Penalties for unsportsmanlike infractions is left to the discretion of the MD. The general guidelines for MD’s are first time offenders are given a warning and their second offense will result in a Match DQ and they will be asked to leave the premises. If, however, the MD determines the infraction to be of a serious nature, he/she may have the offender removed immediately.
7.1.4 Habitual offenders will receive a full season suspension from all DLR events.
7.1.5 Cheating Definitions and Penalties
7.1.6 Cheating is defined as deliberating attempting to gain an unfair advantage over other competitors in an unscrupulous manner.
7.1.7 Examples of cheating include but aren’t limited to: shooting a DLR stage for score that the shooter assisted by designing, practicing or proofing/dry firing, changing anything on a fellow competitor’s equipment, altering or falsifying score sheets or data in electronic scoring devices or deliberately altering targets or props prior to the target being scored or engaged to gain advantage.
7.1.8 Shooters are not authorized to switch rifles during a match in order to gain an advantage. Any rifle substitution during a match must be approved by the MD and related to equipment failure only. The replacement rifle must be of similar ballistic capability as determined by the MD and must be the same type of firearm, for example if a shooter started the match with a bolt gun, the substitution must be a bolt gun or vice versa with a gas gun.
7.1.9 person discovered cheating will receive an immediate Match DQ. A second offense or
a severe first offense will result in an expulsion from the DLR for one year and will
not be permitted to participate in any DLR event.
8.1 Social Media
8.1.1 Social Media plays a critical part of the success and growth of the DLR Competitions as well as attracting and retaining national and regional sponsors.
8.1.2 The DLR reserves the right to monitor social media sites and delete inappropriate content as we see fit. We have a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding dishonorable content such as racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, and physical disability slurs. Violations will be handled on a case by case basis by the DLR Director and can result in but are not limited to removal from social media channels, or a suspension from the series.
8.1.3 The DLR strives to create a positive and inclusive organization that is dedicated to helping new shooters reach their highest potential. In furtherance of this goal, the DLR aspires to engage members of the shooting community in positive, honest, transparent, and knowledgeable dialogue about the DLR through social media. The DLR views social media as an important tool for communicating its successes and opportunities for shooters and the community. The DLR also views social media as a platform for receiving constructive feedback from the community and for discussing the DLR’s challenges and opportunities for improvement in a positive and constructive way.
9.1 DLR Rules Update Procedures
The following chapter will cover processes for rules updates for the DLR . Rules will be updated each year to maintain relevant procedures to promote the competitive growth and, achievement of the sport. Mid-year changes will only be considered in extreme cases.
9.1.2 DLR Committee
9.1.3 The DLR committee’s purpose is to represent the DLR in their local area, shooting range and to shape, guide, and vote on rules within the DLR Mission and Vision Statements.
9.1.4 The DLR Match Director Committee will consist of all MD and can have only one vote.
9.1.5 Rules Submission Process
9.1.6 Shooters must contact their shooting range match director who will submit rule updates to the DLR committee
Shooters must use these points of contact as primary means to suggest rules changes.
9.1.7 Once Match Director submits a rule change request the Match Director committee will evaluate the proposal for immediate review or end of season review. Unless the rule submission unquestionably affects the course of the current season it will be held for an end of the season rules review.
9.1.8 The DLR match director committee will publish minutes and voting results as the rules are updated by the committee.
Appendix 1: DLR Safety Brief
The following Safety Points should be included in every DLR competition briefing, and Competition booklet.
General Safety Rules
• Keep muzzles pointed in a safe direction at all times regardless of the status of the weapon.
Do not point any weapon at anything you do not wish to destroy. This is considered “flagging” and will not be tolerated.
• Keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot.
• All DLR events will be run on cold ranges. A cold range is defined as keeping firearms unloaded until it is the competitor’s turn to shoot.
• Safety SOP: Conduct of a Match.
• The following rules apply to all participants of a DLR event, while not actively shooting a COF.
• While conducting any movement with a firearm at a DLR, the participant will ensure all of their weapons are pointed in a safe direction at all times.
• All participants will ensure all of their weapons are cleared with the magazine out at all times.
• Chamber flags or other Empty Chamber Indicator (ECI) will be utilized at all times.
• Rifle Staging: Match Directors are encouraged to designate locations near each stage where shooters can safely stage their rifles. The location should be marked with two flags or property markers 5/10 meters apart oriented in a direction or manner whereas rifles will all be safely
pointed in the same direction. When made available, shooters shall stage rifles in this designated area.
• No person shall consume or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs during the match. Any person found to be impaired and unsafe as a result of legitimate prescription drugs may be directed to stop shooting and requested to leave the range.
Safety SOP: Conduct of a COF
• The following rules apply to shooters who are actively participating in a COF.
ECI’s will remain in the rifle until the RO gives the command of “Load and make ready.”
• If there is no movement involved to the first firing point, upon MD’s stage design and discretion, rifles may be in a “Hot” status meaning a round in the chamber, magazine inserted, bolt closed, and weapon on “Safe”. It is the shooter’s and RO’s responsibility to fully understand the COF and how to prepare their rifle prior to starting.
• All transitions and movements during a course of fire must be done with open bolts and an empty chamber. An exception will be made for Semi- Automatic Rifles but only at the discretion and approval of the Match Director. If the MD does permit transitions and movements with a hot rifle, the weapon must be on safe and the shooter must give an audible “Safe” before moving; NO EXCEPTIONS.
The 120 degree rule must be adhered to at all times. No shooter will point their muzzle any more than 60 degrees off of the direction of fire in either direction.
• Shooters must maintain positive control of a firearm at all times
• Negligent Discharges (ND’s) are taken very seriously at any DLR event.
A ND is defined as any round unintentionally discharged from a firearm during a transition, movement, and/or weapons manipulation; or a round intentionally discharged during a cease fire period.
Shooters can close the bolt or remove the safety only when on scope.
Penalties for Safety Infractions
• First offense flagging will result in a warning. Second offense will result in a stage DQ. Third offense will result in a removal of the offending shooter from the competition.
• Anyone found violating the Cold Range rule will result in an immediate Match DQ.
• Failure to use an ECI will result in a warning. Second offense will result in a stage DQ. Third offense will result in a removal of the offending shooter from the competition.
• Any shooter deemed to be intoxicated will receive an immediate Match DQ but the shooter will not be permitted to drive from the event while still intoxicated.
• Movement or transition during a COF with a round in the chamber or a bolt closed will result in the shooter being made to move back to the last shooting position while still on the clock for a first offense. Once the shooter has returned to the last firing point, he or she will continue with the rest of the COF. A second offense will result in a stage DQ. Third offense will result in a removal of the offending shooter from the competition.
• First offense of violating the 120 degree rule will result in a warning. Second offense will result in a stage DQ. Third offense will result in a removal of the offending shooter from the competition.
• A AD/ND will result in an immediate Match DQ
Appendix 2: Guidelines for Match Directors
The DLR strongly believes there should be as few restrictions and constraints placed on Match Directors as possible so that they may run their individual matches in a manner that best fits their
vision and needs. The DLR Rules and Standard Operating Procedures are meant to ensure a basic standard is maintained with regards to safety and match conduct, which are two essential elements of a National level shooting series. MD’s will always have the freedom to plan and execute courses of fire they feel best captures the core principles of DLR competitions. The DLR, with the exception of one DLR Skills Stage, will not dictate to MD’s the way in which they run their COF’s. It is the DLR’s belief that the competitors should make the determination of the quality of a match and should provide appropriate feedback to the MD as well as the DLR when necessary.
The following guidelines, therefore, are meant to aid MD’s, especially new ones, in ensuring their matches are as successful as possible at all levels.
Provide the shooters with as much information as possible. Accurate start times, solid directions, round count by weapon and general expectations should be conveyed to the shooters at least two weeks prior to the match. Also include what amenities and facilities will be available and what the participants should plan to bring; i.e. food, water, toilet items, etc.
Stage design
All stages should be validated for safety, practicality and level of difficulty. Any COF that is thought to be unsafe in any way, should not be used.
The DLR prides itself on being the most practical of all the action shooting sports, therefore; designing stages that are highly practical COF’s such as short, mid-range and longer-range stages and the use of realistic props is highly encouraged. Unrealistic and impractical stages should be avoided. The majority of DLR stages should be challenging to even the most seasoned competitors. As a general guideline, the top score for most stages (and therefore the match) should be between 80-90% of the total available points.
Matches in which the winner attains less than 85% of the points possible are not providing the shooters, especially newer ones, an opportunity to enjoy themselves.
Match Books should include all the information a shooter needs to shoot a stage. At a minimum, the general stage scheme, starting point, shooting locations, target descriptions, direction of fire, round count, stage restrictions and par time should be included.
Blind stages are exceptions to this guideline.
Match Flow
Matches should be designed to be as efficient as possible in order to minimize the amount of time shooters spend waiting to shoot. Having a nearly uniform par time for most stages, using efficient methods like staging several shooters at one time and utilizing experienced RO’s who fully understand their COF are simple things that can be done to make the match flow smooth and efficient.
Scoring should be completed as quickly as possible at the end of every match. Scores should be complete within thirty minutes after the last shooter finishes his or her last stage. The use of a
digital scoring system on digital devices will be strongly encouraged. Once the match scores and DLR points are tabulated, they should be distributed to the shooters as quickly as possible; either posted on a large screen monitor, air-dropped or several paper copies made available. This is so any shooter that might have a legitimate issue with their score is able to meet the 15 minute arbitration deadline. All scores must be uploaded on the DLR website by the MD within 12 hours of match completion so they can be posted to the DLR website in a timely manner.
All DLR score must be uploaded by the MD within 24 hours after match completion.
Appendix 3: DLR Sport Skills Stages
DLR Skills Stages are intended to serve several purposes. The first purpose is to provide a standardized way in which to deal with ties. If two shooters are tied for the same position, the sum of the two scores will be used to determine the winner. If the shooters have the same combined score, the shooter with the fastest combined time will receive the higher (better) placement.
The stages are also meant to serve as a training tool for shooters.
Stage 1 is meant to stress the skill of transitioning from target to target and rapidly engaging targets. It has an unlimited round count which allows the shooter to push the speed envelope without having to worry about being penalized for a miss.
Stage 2 is meant to stress the skill of transitioning from position to position as well as shooting from alternate positions. Because there is a limit to the number of rounds that can be shot from each position, the shooter will need to take more time with each shot than was necessary on Stage 1.
Finally, the Skills Stages are meant to serve as a barometer for shooters. All the scores for the Skills Stages will be kept and posted on the DLR website. This will provide the shooters with solid metrics by which they can judge themselves against other shooters they would not have otherwise had an opportunity to compete against. It will also allow them to see how they stack-up against the best shooters in the world.
The following pages layout the DLR Skills Stages in detail.
DLR Skills Stage 1
DLR Skills Stage 1 consists of three targets, 12” x 12” placed at a distance of 370 meters and will have a spacing of 13 meters between targets 1 and 2 and 50 meters of spacing between targets 2 and 3. Start position is 10 meters behind the shooter’s box on level terrain with the rifle staged on the firing line. At the sound of the beep the shooter will move to the shooter’s box, assume a prone position and engage the targets from left to right and may only advance to the next target once the previous target has been hit. Once the shooter has successfully engaged all three targets from left to right, they will then reengage in the same fashion from right to left starting with the far right target.
Par time is 90 seconds and round count is unlimited.
DLR Skills Stage 2
DLR Skills Stage 2 will consist of one target, 10” in diameter placed at a distance of 370 meters. Start position is 10 meters behind the firing position, which is a barricade, marked with 4 firing
points. At the sound of the beep the shooter will move to the barricade to a firing point of his/her choice and engage the target with 2 rounds only. Shooter will then move to the remaining firing positions in any order and engage the
target with two rounds from each position. Par time is 90 seconds and round count is 8.
DLR Skills Stage 3
DLR Skills Stage 3 will consist of 2 targets at 300 or 400 meters (2MOA target left and 3MOA target right) and 2 targets at 500 meters or 600 meters (2MOA target left and 3MOA target right). Start position-rifle in hand, mag in, bolt back. (Target distances must be either 300 and 500 meters or 400 and 600 meters and is up to the Match Director).
Sound of the buzzer shooter drops into a prone position and engages the near left target and the far left target with one round each. Shooter then conducts a mandatory mag change and reengages far left and near left targets in that order. Shooter then moves to a prop 18” x 18” x 6” box (18” tall x 6” wide) and engages near right and far right targets with one round each. Mandatory mag change and then reengage far right and near right with one round each.
Round count of 12 total rounds (8 rounds total if shot clean).3 magazines requires (2 minimum if start mag is reused for second mag change). Par time 90 seconds.
DLR Skills Stage 4
DLR Skills Stage 4 will consist of 1.5 moa targets at 400, 500, and 600 meters. Start position 10 meters behind firing line, mag in, bolt back. Sound of the buzzer, the shooter moves to the firing line, assumes a prone position and engages all 3 targets with one round each from near to far without dialing any dope on their scopes. After the 600 meters target is successfully engaged the shooter must drop their magazine, move back to the start point to retrieve their second magazine and return to the firing line. Shooter will then reengage all targets from near to far shooting from the prone weak side position.
Round count unlimited 2 magazine minimum Par time 90 seconds
Appendix 3: DLR Skills Stages rimfire
Gli skills stages per arma rimfire avranno la stessa struttura ma con distanze e bersagli differenti.
Skill stage 1
Distanza 100 metri bersagli da 15x15 cm
Skill stage 2
Distanza 100 metri bersaglio 10x10 cm
Skill stage 3
Distanza 150 e 200 metri bersagli di sx 2 MOA bersagli di dx 3 MOA
Skill Stage 4
Distanza 100, 150, 200 metri, bersagli da 1.5 MOA.